There are many benefits to having outdoor electrical lighting all year round. In the warmer months, you can stay out late and enjoy the warm weather with inviting lighting. In the winter, you get to see a beautiful warm glow across your property, even with the sun going down earlier.
If you live in an area with bad winter storms, you can still enjoy your outdoor lights! You just have to make sure there are no electrical hazards or damages. Here, we go over some outdoor electrical basics and tips so you can enjoy your winter lighting safely, even in bad weather.
First, let's go over the types of lighting used for outdoor fixtures. The two types of lightbulbs most commonly used for outdoor lighting are halogen bulbs and LED bulbs.
A halogen bulb is an incandescent lamp that uses halogen gas to create light. These bulbs are moderately high-efficient, have a good quality of warm light, and have a long-lasting light life. They also tend to generate warmth from their bulbs, slowly allowing snow or ice to melt off the fixture.
LED bulbs use a light-emitting diode to create light. These bulbs use a "solid-state" technology, meaning that the light-generating materials are within a solid encasing. Because of this solid-state technology, these lights have a very long life and are much less susceptible to breaking from shaking or shock. These bulbs are one of the most energy-efficient on the market and emit a cool white light.